五、我们如何使用 Cookie 和同类技术
1.1. 本政策适用于杭州速卖通信息咨询有限公司向您提供的各项产品和服务,服务网站包括域名为的网站、移动应用程序(如有)和移动优化版本的网站及其子域(以下统称为“ADIC”或“网站”)。若我们及关联公司向您提供的产品或服务内设有单独隐私政策或类似法律文件,该等单独的文件优先适用。
1.2. 本政策不适用于其他第三方向您提供的服务,您的信息处理及保护事宜应当适用该等第三方的隐私权政策或类似文件,我们对任何第三方不当使用或披露由您提供的信息不承担任何法律责任。例如,第三方依托ADIC向您提供服务时,您向第三方提供的信息不适用本政策。
1.3. 需要特别说明的是,作为ADIC的用户,若您利用ADIC的技术服务,为您的用户再行提供服务,您应当依照相关法律要求另行与您的用户约定隐私权政策或类似法律文件。
2.1. 为了向您提供ADIC的功能或服务
2.1.1. 在您申请对我们的产品或服务进行试用时,需要向我们提供您的姓名、手机号码、公司名称/品牌名称、所在行业、部门职务、企业类型、用户偏好等信息,用于确定您的试用资格、创建试用账号与密码、以及必要时用于我们的客户服务人员与您联络。如您试用后需要转为正式注册用户,前述信息我们还会用于确认您的用户资格、创建正式账号和初始密码,以及必要时用于我们的客户服务人员与您联络。
2.1.2. 为成为我们的正式注册用户,以便我们为您提供ADIC的服务以及用于您企业用户身份资格的核验、登记及其他我们明确告知的目的,您需要通过【另行协议约定的方式或通过我们的合作伙伴】向我们提供您的电子邮箱地址和企业名称,我们将为您创建账号名和一个初始密码,并通过电子邮件通知您。您可在登录账号后自行修改密码。您可能还需要提供您的电子邮箱用来接收验证码,以实现账号的登录。我们会将在符合相关法律法规规定的前提下,使用您的这些用户信息。
2.1.3. 根据中华人民共和国法律法规规定,在您注册ADIC账户时,您可能需要向我们提供您的真实身份信息:
2.1.4. 为提高您使用我们及我们关联公司、合作伙伴提供服务的安全性,保护您或其他用户或公众的人身财产安全免遭侵害,更好地预防钓鱼网站、欺诈、网络漏洞、计算机病毒、网络、网络侵入等安全风险,更准确地识别违反法律法规或开放ADIC相关协议规则的情况,我们可能使用或您的账号信息、有关网络日志以及我们关联公司、合作伙伴取得您授权或依据法律共享的信息,来综合判断您账号及交易风险、进行身份验证、检测及防范安全事件,并依法采取必要的记录、审计、分析、处置措施。
2.1.5. 为向您提供更契合您需求的页面展示和搜索结果、了解产品适配性、识别账号异常状态等,我们可能会收集关于您使用的服务以及使用方式的信息并将这些信息进行关联:
2.2. 为了向您提供专业支持或帮助
2.2.1. 当您在服务中心内请求我们支持或帮助时,您需要向我们提供问题描述,同时我们会需要收集您的咨询记录、报障记录和针对用户故障的排障过程(如通信或通话记录及相关内容,包括账号信息、您为了证明相关事实提供的其他信息,或您留下的联系方式信息等),我们将通过记录、分析这些信息以便更及时响应您的帮助请求,以及用于改进服务。如您拒绝向我们提供前述信息,我们将可能无法向您提供相应支持或帮助。
2.3. 从第三方获取信息的情形
2.3.1. 在法律允许的情况下,基于您的授权,为了向您提供更优化的服务,满足您的个性化需求,我们可能会从我们的关联公司或合作单位(如生态合作伙伴等)处接收您的个人信息或其他信息。此外,我们也会收集到第三方使用我们的产品或服务时所提供有关您的共享个人信息。
2.4. 无需获得您授权同意的个人信息收集、使用例外情形
2.4.1. 您充分知晓,依据可适用的法律,在以下情形中,我们收集、使用您的个人信息无需征得您的授权同意: 涉及国家安全与利益、社会公共利益的; 为履行我们的法定职责或者法定义务或者响应政府部门指示所必需的; 与您签订和履行您作为协议或其他书面文件一方所必需的; 为应对突发公共卫生事件,或者紧急情况下为保护您和他人的生命健康和财产安全所必需; 在合理的范围内处理您自行向社会公众公开的个人信息; 在合理的范围内处理从合法公开披露的信息中收集的您的个人信息(如合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开等渠道); 法律法规规定的其他情形。
2.5. 请您理解,我们向您提供的功能和服务是不断更新和发展的,如果某一功能或服务未被包含在上述说明中且收集了您的信息,我们会通过页面提示、交互流程、网站公告、另行签署协议等方式另行向您说明信息收集的内容、范围和目的,以征得您的同意。
3.1. 委托处理
3.1.1. 广告、分析服务类的授权合作伙伴。我们可能会在采用行业通用的安全技术前提下,委托这些合作伙伴处理与广告投放、覆盖面和有效性相关的信息。我们不会将您的个人身份信息委托合作伙伴处理。
3.1.2. 产品或服务的供应商和其他合作伙伴。我们可能会将信息委托给支持我们业务的供应商和其他合作伙伴处理,这些支持包括受我们委托提供的咨询、分析、营销、技术支持等专业服务。
3.2. 第三方共享
3.2.1. 在获取您明确同意的情况下共享:获得您的明确同意后,我们会与其他方共享您的用户信息。
3.2.2. 为履行法定义务所必需的共享:我们可能会根据法律法规规定、诉讼、仲裁解决需要,或按行政、司法机关依法提出的要求,以及其他法定义务履行的必需,对外共享您的用户信息。
3.2.3. 为订立、履行您作为一方当事人的合同所必需的情况下的共享。
3.2.4. 与关联公司间共享:为便于我们向您提供产品和服务,识别账户异常,保护关联公司或其他用户或公众的人身财产安全免遭侵害,您的个人信息可能会与我们的关联公司和/或其指定的服务提供商共享。我们只会共享必要的个人信息,且受本隐私政策中所声明目的的约束,如果我们共享您的个人敏感信息或关联公司改变个人信息的使用及处理目的,将再次征求您的授权同意。
3.3. 转让
3.4. 公开披露
3.4.1. 获得您充分同意或基于您的主动选择,我们可能会公开披露您的用户信息;或
3.4.2. 如果我们确定您出现违反法律法规或严重违反开放ADIC相关协议及规则的情况,或为保护其他用户或公众的人身财产安全免遭侵害,我们可能披露关于您的个人信息,包括相关违规行为以及ADIC已对您采取的措施。
3.5. 对外提供用户信息时事先征得授权同意的例外
3.5.1. 与国家安全、国防安全有关的;
3.5.2. 与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益有关的;
3.5.3. 与刑事侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行等有关的;
3.5.4. 出于维护您或其他个人的生命、财产等重大合法权益但又很难得到本人同意的;
3.5.5. 您自行向社会公众公开的个人信息;
3.5.6. 从合法公开披露的信息中收集个人信息的,如合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开等渠道;
3.5.7. 为履行我们的法定职责或者法定义务或者响应政府部门指示所必需的。
4.1. 查阅、更正和补充
4.1.1. 如果您希望访问或编辑您的账号中的基本资料信息、更改您的密码等,您可以通过登录账号通过账号管理入口执行此类操作。
4.2. 复制
4.2.1. 您可以通过发送电子邮件到联系我们,下载您在网站内的个人信息。
4.3. 删除
4.3.1. 在以下情形中,您可以通过发送电子邮件到向我们提出删除个人信息的权利请求:
4.3.2. 若我们决定响应您的删除请求,我们还将同时尽可能通知从我们处获得您的个人信息的主体(如有),并要求其及时删除(除非法律法规另有规定,或这些主体已独立获得您的授权)。
4.3.3. 当您或我们协助您删除相关信息后,因为适用的法律和安全技术限制,我们可能无法立即从备份系统中删除相应的信息,我们将安全地存储您的个人信息并限制对其的任何进一步的处理,直到备份可以清除或实现匿名化。
4.4. 响应您的上述请求
4.4.1. 对于您或可能的您的监护人、近亲属及其他有权主体向我们提出上述请求,以及中华人民共和国法律与其他适用法律规定的您的相关个人信息权利,您可以通过电子邮件联系我们,我们将在15天内做出答复。
4.4.2. 为保障安全,您可能需要提供书面请求,或以其他方式证明您的身份。我们可能会先要求您验证自己的身份(如增加账户核验、要求您提供书面请求或其他合理方式),然后再处理您的请求。
4.4.3. 对于您合理的请求,我们原则上不收取费用,但对多次重复、超出合理限度的请求,我们有权酌情收取一定费用。对于与您的身份不直接关联的信息、无合理理由重复申请的信息,或者需要过多技术手段(如需要开发新系统或从根本上改变现行惯例)、给他人合法权益带来风险或者不切实际的请求,我们可能会予以拒绝。
4.5. 在符合相关法律要求的情况下,您的近亲属经我们身份核实后,可以对您的相关个人信息行使上述查阅、更正、删除、复制等权利,但您另有安排的除外。
五、我们如何使用 Cookie 和同类技术
5.1. Cookie和同类技术
Cookie和同类设备信息标识技术是互联网中普遍使用的技术。当您使用我们的服务时,我们可能会使用相关技术向您的设备发送一个或多个 Cookie 或匿名标识符(以下简称“Cookie”),以收集、标识和存储您访问、使用本产品时的信息。我们承诺,不会将 Cookie 用于本隐私政策所述目的之外的任何其他用途。我们使用 Cookie 主要为了保障产品与服务的安全、高效运转,可以使我们确认您账户与交易的安全状态,排查崩溃、延迟的相关异常情况,帮助您省去重复您填写表单、输入搜索内容的步骤和流程。
6.1. 存储位置
6.1.1. 原则上,我们在中华人民共和国境内产生或收集的用户信息,将存储在中华人民共和国境内。以下情形下,我们会在履行法律规定的义务后,向可能的境外实体提供您的个人信息:
6.2. 存储期限
6.2.1. 我们只会在达成本政策所述目的所需的期限内保留您的个人信息,除非法律有强制的留存要求,例如《中华人民共和国电子商务法》要求商品和服务信息、交易信息保存时间自交易完成之日起不少于三年。
6.3. 存储安全
6.3.1. 数据保护技术措施
我们已采取符合业界标准、合理可行的安全防护措施保护您的信息,防止个人信息遭到未经授权访问、公开披露、使用、修改、损坏或丢失。例如,我们会对账户信息采取安保措施;使用加密技术提高个人信息的安全性,在您的浏览器与服务器之间交换数据时受 SSL协议加密保护,我们提供HTTPS协议安全浏览方式;我们会使用受信赖的保护机制防止个人信息遭到恶意攻击;我们会部署访问控制机制,尽力确保只有授权人员才可访问个人信息。
6.3.2. 数据保护管理组织措施
6.3.3. 个人信息安全事件的响应
6.3.4. 账户安全风险的防范
7.1. 在电子商务活动中我们推定您具有相应的民事行为能力,我们仅面向年满18岁以上的用户提供服务。
7.2. 请您知悉并理解,在注册环节,如果我们识别到您是未满18周岁的未成年人,我们将可能拒绝向您提供注册服务。
8.1. 为给您带来更好的产品和服务体验,我们持续努力改进我们的产品、服务及技术。在新的服务及业务流程变更时,我们可能会更新我们的隐私政策以告知您具体的变化。
8.2. 未经您明确同意,我们不会限制您按照本政策所应享有的权利。
8.3. 对于重大修订,我们还会提供更为显著的通知(包括对于某些服务,我们会通过网站公示的方式进行通知或向您提供弹窗提示,说明本政策的具体变更内容)。
8.4. 本政策所指的重大变更包括但不限于:
8.4.1. 我们的业务模式发生重大变化。如处理个人信息的目的、处理的个人信息类型、个人信息的使用方式。
8.4.2. 业务调整、交易并购引起的隐私政策的主体变更,新主体接收方变更原先的处理目的、处理方式。
8.4.3. 用户信息共享或公开披露的主要对象发生变化。
8.4.4. 用户个人信息权利及其行使方式发生重大变化。
8.4.5. 处理用户信息安全的责任部门、联络方式及投诉渠道发生变化时。
8.4.6. 个人信息保护影响评估报告表明产品存在对个人权益有重大影响时。
9.1. 您可以通过以下方式与我们联系,我们将在15天内回复您的请求:
9.1.1. 如您对本政策内容有任何疑问、意见或建议,您可通过【】与我们联系。
9.1.2. 如果您对我们的回复不满意,特别是您认为我们的个人信息处理行为损害了您的合法权益,您还可以通过向被告住所地有管辖权的法院提起诉讼来寻求解决方案。
The English translation of ADIC’s Privacy Policy is for reference purposes only. Please use the official Chinese-language version as the final authority. We will not be directly or indirectly legally bound by the English-language version.
ADIC Privacy Policy
Effective Date: June 3, 2024
Prompt Clause
Welcome to the use of our products and services! We are well aware of the importance of your personal information and that your trust is very important to us. We will strictly comply with legal and regulatory requirements, take corresponding security measures, and commit to the safety and controllability of your personal information. Based on this, Hangzhou AliExpress Information Consulting Co., Ltd. (or simply "we", “our” or “us”) has formulated this "ADIC Privacy Policy" (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy" / "this Privacy Policy"/”Policy”/”Privacy Policy”) to help you fully understand how we collect, use, share, store, and protect your personal information during your use of our products and services, and how you can manage your personal information to make appropriate choices.
Before you start using our products and services, please make sure to read and understand this Policy carefully, especially the terms we have marked in bold / bold underline, to ensure that you fully understand and agree before you start using. The professional terms involved in this Policy are explained in a simple and popular way to facilitate your understanding. If you have any questions, opinions, or suggestions about the content of this Policy, you can contact us through the contact information at the end of this Policy.
Your agreement to the Privacy Policy indicates that you have understood the functions provided by the application, as well as the necessary personal information required for the operation of the functions, and have given the corresponding collection and use authorization. However, it does not mean that you have separately agreed to enable additional functions, process non-essential personal information. For the opening of related additional functions, processing of non-essential personal information, and processing of sensitive personal information, we will seek your consent separately according to your actual use.
This Policy will help you understand the following:
I. The scope of application of this Policy
II. How we collect and use your information
III. How we share, transfer, and disclose your information publicly
IV. Your rights
V. How we use Cookies and similar technologies
VI. How we protect and preserve your information
VII. Protection of minors
VIII. Updates to this Policy
IX. How to contact us
I. The scope of application of this Policy
1.1. This Policy applies to the various products and services provided by Hangzhou AliExpress Information Consulting Co., Ltd. to you, including the website with the domain name, mobile applications (if any), and mobile-optimized versions of the website and its subdomains (hereinafter collectively referred to as "ADIC" or "Website"). If the products or services provided by us and our affiliated companies have separate privacy policies or similar legal documents, those separate documents shall prevail.
1.2. This Policy does not apply to services provided to you by other third parties. The handling and protection of your information should be subject to the privacy policies or similar documents of such third parties. We do not assume any legal responsibility for any improper use or disclosure of information provided by you to any third party. For example, when a third party provides services to you through ADIC, the information you provide to the third party is not subject to this Policy.
1.3. It should be particularly noted that as a user of ADIC, if you use ADIC's technical services to provide services to your users again, you should agree on a privacy policy or similar legal document with your users in accordance with relevant legal requirements.
II. How We Collect and Use Your Information
During your use of the ADIC services, we may obtain your information in the following ways:
(1) Information you actively provide to us during the use of our products and/or services, such as the information filled out by you or the principal you authorize when registering an account, purchasing technical services, etc.;
(2) Relevant information we actively collect during your use of our products and/or services, such as operation records or other log data when you use ADIC.
(3) In special scenarios, you may entrust and authorize our employees or partners to upload and submit relevant information on your behalf, such as when you entrust customer service personnel to assist you in completing information upload and submission.
When you use ADIC, we need/may need to collect and use your personal information, which includes the following two types:
(1) To achieve the basic functions or services of ADIC provided to you, you must authorize us to collect and use the necessary information. If you refuse to provide the corresponding information, you will not be able to use the website normally.
(2) To achieve the additional functions or services of ADIC provided to you, you can choose to agree or disagree with us collecting and using the information separately. If you refuse to provide it, you will not be able to use the relevant additional functions normally or may not achieve the functional effects we intend to achieve, but it will not affect your use of the basic functions of the website.
ADIC has long been committed to creating a variety of functions or services to meet your needs. We would like to remind you here: because ADIC provides a wide range of functions or services, and different users choose to use specific functions or services with different scopes, the types and scope of information collected and used for basic functions or additional functions will differ, please refer to the specific functions or services.
2.1. To Provide You with ADIC's Features or Services
2.1.1. When you apply for a trial of our products or services, you are required to provide us with your name, mobile phone number, company name/brand name, industry, department position, type of enterprise, user preferences, and other information to determine your eligibility for the trial, to create a trial account and password, and to contact you when necessary for customer service purposes. Should you decide to become a registered user after the trial, the aforementioned information will also be used to confirm your user qualifications, to create a formal account and initial password, and to contact you when necessary for customer service purposes.
2.1.2. To become our registered user, in order for us to provide you with ADIC's services and for the verification, registration, and other purposes clearly notified by us of your enterprise user status, you are required to provide us with your email address and the name of your enterprise, either through a separate agreement or through our partners. We will create an account name and an initial password for you and notify you via email. After logging into your account, you can change the password at your discretion. You may also need to provide your email to receive a verification code to enable account login. We will use your user information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
2.1.3. In accordance with the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, when you register for an ADIC account, you may need to provide us with your real identity information: Enterprise Account: You are required to submit to ADIC your country/region, enterprise name, social credit code, image of the business license, and contact information (contact person, position of the contact person, specific contact phone number, email, etc.).
You acknowledge and understand that the information mentioned above is necessary for the authentication of your true identity. If you refuse to provide us with any of the identity authentication information mentioned above, we will not be able to authenticate your true identity and provide you with the corresponding technical services.
2.1.4. In order to enhance the security of your use of our and our affiliated companies' and partners' services, to protect your or other users' or the public's personal and property safety from infringement, to better prevent phishing websites, fraud, network vulnerabilities, computer viruses, network, network intrusion and other security risks, and to more accurately identify violations of laws and regulations or the opening of ADIC-related agreement rules, we may use or your account information, relevant network logs, and information obtained by our affiliated companies and partners with your authorization or shared according to the law, to comprehensively judge the risks of your account and transactions, conduct identity authentication, detect and prevent security incidents, and take necessary recording, auditing, analyzing, and disposal measures according to the law.
2.1.5. In order to provide you with more pages that fit your needs, understand product adaptability, identify account abnormal states, etc., we may collect information about the services you use and the way you use them and associate this information:
Log Information: When you use the products or services provided by our client, we will automatically collect the detailed usage of our services by you as part of the relevant network logs saved. For example, your network, access requests, account information, search query content, IP address, language used, access date and time, etc.
Please note that individual log information and the like are types of information that cannot identify the identity of a specific natural person. If we combine such non-personal information with other information for the purpose of identifying the identity of a specific natural person, or if it is used in conjunction with personal information, then during the period of combined use, such non-personal information will be considered personal information.
2.2. To provide you with professional support or assistance
2.2.1. When you request our support or assistance within the service center, you need to provide us with a description of the problem. At the same time, we will need to collect your consultation records, trouble reports, and troubleshooting processes for user faults (such as communication or call records and related content, including account information, other information you provide to prove relevant facts, or the contact information you leave, etc.). We will record and analyze this information to respond to your help requests more promptly and to improve services. If you refuse to provide us with the aforementioned information, we may not be able to provide you with the corresponding support or assistance.
2.3. Circumstances of obtaining information from third parties
2.3.1. Within the limits allowed by law, based on your authorization, in order to provide you with more optimized services and meet your personalized needs, we may receive your personal information or other information from our affiliated companies or cooperative units (such as ecological partners, etc.). In addition, we will also collect shared personal information about you provided by third parties when using our products or services.
2.4. Exceptions to the collection and use of personal information without obtaining your authorization and consent
2.4.1. You are fully aware that, according to applicable law, we do not need to obtain your authorization and consent to collect and use your personal information in the following circumstances: Involving national security and interests, social public interests; Necessary to fulfill our legal duties or obligations or to respond to government department instructions; Necessary for entering into and performing the agreement or other written documents where you are a party; Necessary to respond to sudden public health events, or in emergency situations to protect your and others' life, health, and property safety; Processing your personal information that you have voluntarily made public to the public within a reasonable scope; Processing your personal information collected from legally disclosed information within a reasonable scope (such as legal news reports, government information disclosure, etc.); Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.
2.5. Please understand that the functions and services we provide to you are constantly being updated and developed. If a certain function or service is not included in the above description and has collected your information, we will explain the content, scope, and purpose of the information collection to you through page prompts, interactive processes, website announcements, signing agreements, and other methods to obtain your consent.
III. How We Share, Transfer, and Disclose Your User Information
Certain modules and features within our products or services are provided by service providers. As such, we may share some of your personal information with our partners to offer better customer service and user experience. When cooperating with these partners, we adhere to the following principles: (1) Legitimacy, Necessity, and Minimization: Data processing should have a legal basis, a legitimate purpose, and be limited to the minimum scope necessary to achieve the purpose; (2) Maximization of User's Right to Know and Decide: The data processing process fully respects the user's right to be informed and to make decisions regarding the processing of their personal information; (3) Enhancement of Security Assurance: We will take necessary measures to ensure the security of the processed personal information, prudently evaluate the purposes for which partners use the data, conduct a comprehensive assessment of their security capabilities, and require them to comply with the relevant requirements of the cooperation agreement.
3.1. Entrustment Processing
We may entrust authorized partners with the processing of your personal information so that they can provide certain services or fulfill functions on our behalf. We will only entrust them with the processing of your information for legitimate, proper, necessary, specific, and clear purposes stated in this Policy. The authorized partners will only have access to the information required to perform their duties, and we will require them through agreements not to use this information for any purposes beyond the scope of entrustment. If an authorized partner uses your information for purposes not entrusted by us, they will seek your consent separately. The types of authorized partners we entrust include:
3.1.1. Authorized Partners for Advertising and Analytics Services. We may entrust these partners with information related to advertising delivery, reach, and effectiveness under the premise of adopting industry-standard security technologies. We will not entrust your personally identifiable information to partners for processing.
3.1.2. Suppliers of Products or Services and Other Partners. We may delegate information to suppliers and other partners who support our business, including professional services such as consulting, analytics, marketing, and technical support provided on our behalf.
3.2. Third-Party Sharing
In principle, we do not share your user information with other organizations or individuals, except in the following cases:
3.2.1. Sharing with Your Explicit Consent: After obtaining your explicit consent, we will share your user information with other parties.
3.2.2. Necessary for Fulfilling Legal Obligations: We may share your user information as required by laws and regulations, litigation, arbitration resolution needs, or as requested by administrative or judicial authorities in accordance with the law, and other necessities for fulfilling statutory obligations.
3.2.3. Necessary for Entering into Contracts or Contract Performance in Which You Are a Party.
3.2.4. Sharing Among Affiliated Companies: To facilitate the provision of products and services to you, identify account anomalies, and protect the personal and property safety of affiliated companies, other users, or the public from infringement, your personal information may be shared with our affiliated companies and/or their designated service providers. We will only share necessary personal information, which is subject to the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy. If we share your sensitive personal information or if the affiliated companies change the use and processing purposes of personal information, we will seek your authorization and consent again.
Please be aware that any information you voluntarily share or publicly disclose while using our services may involve your personal information or even sensitive personal information, as well as that of others. We kindly ask you to carefully consider and make decisions regarding this matter.
3.3. Transfer
Should we need to transfer personal information due to reasons such as merger, division, dissolution, or bankruptcy, we will inform you of the recipient's name or personal details and contact information. The recipient will continue to fulfill this Policy and other legal obligations. If the recipient changes the original purpose and method of processing, they will re-obtain your consent.
3.4. Public Disclosure
We will only disclose your user information under the following circumstances:
3.4.1. With your full consent or based on your voluntary choice, we may disclose your user information; or
3.4.2. If we determine that you have violated laws and regulations or seriously breached the open ADIC-related agreements and rules, or to protect the personal and property safety of other users or the public from infringement, we may disclose your personal information, including the relevant violations and measures ADIC has taken against you.
3.5. Exceptions to Obtaining Prior Authorization and Consent for Disclosing User Information
In the following situations, it is not necessary to obtain your prior authorization and consent for disclosing user information:
3.5.1. Related to national security or defense security;
3.5.2. Related to public safety, public health, or significant public interest;
3.5.3. Related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments;
3.5.4. To protect your or another individual's life, property, or other significant legal rights and interests, but it is difficult to obtain the individual's consent;
3.5.5. Personal information that you have voluntarily disclosed to the public;
3.5.6. Collecting personal information from legally disclosed information, such as legitimate news reports, government information disclosure, and other channels;
3.5.7. Necessary to fulfill our legal duties or obligations or to respond to government department instructions.
IV. Your Rights
You may access and manage your personal information through the following methods, and we will respond to your requests in accordance with applicable laws and regulations:
4.1. Inspection, Correction, and Supplementation
4.1.1. If you wish to access or edit your basic profile information in your account, change your password, etc., you can perform such operations by logging into your account through the account management portal.
If you are unable to access the aforementioned personal information through the above path, you may contact us by sending an email to
4.2. Copying
You may copy your information in the following ways:
4.2.1. You may contact us by sending an email to download your personal information within the website.
4.3. Deletion
4.3.1. Under the following circumstances, you may submit a request to delete your personal information by sending an email to
(1) If our processing of user information violates laws and regulations;
(2) If we collect and use your user information without obtaining your explicit consent;
(3) If our processing of personal information seriously breaches our agreement with you;
(4) If our processing purpose has been achieved, is unattainable, or is no longer necessary for the purpose;
(5) If we cease to provide products or services, or if the retention period has expired.
4.3.2. If we decide to respond to your deletion request, we will also notify the entities that have obtained your personal information from us (if any) and request them to delete it promptly (unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations, or these entities have independently obtained your authorization).
4.3.3. After you or we assist you in deleting the relevant information, due to applicable legal and technical security limitations, we may not be able to immediately delete the corresponding information from the backup system. We will securely store your personal information and restrict any further processing of it until the backup can be cleared or anonymized.
4.4. Responding to Your Requests
4.4.1. For requests made by you or possibly your guardian, close relatives, and other entitled subjects, as well as your rights to personal information as stipulated by the laws of the People's Republic of China and other applicable laws, you may contact us via email at, and we will respond within 15 days.
4.4.2. To ensure security, you may be required to provide a written request or otherwise prove your identity. We may first ask you to verify your identity (such as by increasing account verification, requesting a written request, or other reasonable methods) before processing your request.
4.4.3. For your reasonable requests, we will generally not charge a fee, but for multiple repetitive or excessive requests beyond a reasonable limit, we reserve the right to charge a certain fee at our discretion. For information not directly related to your identity, information requested repeatedly without a reasonable reason, or requests that require excessive technical means (such as the development of a new system or a fundamental change in current practices), pose a risk to the legitimate rights and interests of others, or are impractical, we may refuse.
4.5. Provided that it complies with relevant legal requirements, your close relatives, after our identity verification, may exercise the aforementioned rights to inspect, correct, delete, and copy your personal information, unless you have made other arrangements.
V. How We Use Cookies and Similar Technologies
5.1. Cookies and Similar Device Information Identification Technologies
Cookies and similar device information identification technologies are widely used in the Internet. When you use our services, we may use related technologies to send one or more Cookies or anonymous identifiers (hereinafter referred to as "Cookies") to your device to collect, identify, and store information when you access and use this product. We promise not to use Cookies for any other purposes beyond those described in this Privacy Policy. We use Cookies mainly to ensure the safety and efficient operation of products and services, which allows us to confirm the security status of your account and transactions, troubleshoot crashes, delays, and related exceptions, and help you save the steps and processes of repeatedly filling out forms and entering search content.
At the same time, we may use Cookies to optimize the information or functions displayed to you. Most browsers provide users with the functionality to clear browser cache data, and you can perform corresponding data clearing operations, or you can modify the acceptance level of Cookies or reject our Cookies. You may not be able to use services or corresponding functions that depend on Cookies due to these modifications.
VI. How We Protect and Store Your User Information
6.1. Storage Location
6.1.1. In principle, user information generated or collected within the People's Republic of China will be stored within the People's Republic of China. Under the following circumstances, we will provide your personal information to potential overseas entities after fulfilling the obligations stipulated by law:
(1) There are clear provisions in the applicable law;
(2) Obtain your separate consent;
(3) It is necessary for the establishment and performance of a contract in which you are a party.
In response to the above situations, we will protect the security of your personal information in accordance with this Policy and the laws.
6.2. Storage Period
6.2.1. We will only retain your personal information for the period necessary to achieve the purposes stated in this Policy, unless there are mandatory retention requirements by law, such as the "E-commerce Law of the People's Republic of China," which requires the retention of product and service information, transaction information for no less than three years from the date of completion of the transaction.
We determine the storage period of personal information based mainly on the following criteria:
(1) To complete the transaction purposes related to you, maintain corresponding transaction and business records to address your potential inquiries or complaints;
(2) To ensure the security and quality of the services we provide to you;
(3) Whether you agree to a longer retention period;
(4) Whether there are any other special agreements or legal regulations regarding the retention period.
After exceeding the retention period, we will delete or anonymize your personal information in accordance with the requirements of applicable law.
6.3. Storage Security
6.3.1. Data Protection Technical Measures
We have implemented security measures that are in line with industry standards and reasonably feasible to protect your information, preventing personal information from unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage, or loss. For instance, we take security measures for account information; employ encryption technology to enhance the security of personal information, with data exchanged between your browser and server protected by SSL protocol encryption, and we provide secure browsing methods through the HTTPS protocol; we utilize trusted protection mechanisms to guard against malicious attacks on personal information; and we deploy access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized personnel can access personal information.
6.3.2. Data Protection Management Organizational Measures
We have established an advanced data security management system in the industry, centered around the data lifecycle, enhancing the security of personal information from organizational construction, system design, personnel management, and product technology dimensions. We have set up a dedicated department for the protection of personal information. Through training courses and examinations, we continuously strengthen our employees' awareness of the importance of protecting personal information.
6.3.3. Response to Personal Information Security Incidents
If our physical, technical, or management protective facilities are compromised, resulting in unauthorized access, public disclosure, tampering, or destruction of information, causing damage to your legitimate rights and interests, we will promptly activate emergency plans and take reasonable and necessary measures to minimize the impact on you personally. In the event of a personal information security incident, we will also inform you of the basic situation and potential impact of the security incident, the measures we have taken or will take, your suggestions for self-protection and risk reduction, and remedies for you, in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations. We will inform you through text messages, phone calls, emails, push notifications, and other reasonable channels, and if it is difficult to inform each person individually, we will take reasonable and effective ways to issue announcements. At the same time, we will also report the handling of personal information security incidents to the regulatory authorities as required.
6.3.4. Prevention of Account Security Risks
Please take good care of your personal information, only provide it to others when necessary, and do not easily trust transactions conducted through other trading tools to prevent information theft or even encounter telecommunication network fraud.
If you are concerned about the leakage of your personal information, especially your account or password, please contact so that we can take appropriate measures according to your application.
VII. Protection of Minors
7.1. In e-commerce activities, we presume that you have the corresponding civil conduct capacity, and we only provide services to users who are over 18 years old.
7.2. Please be aware and understand that during the registration process, if we identify that you are a minor under 18 years old, we may refuse to provide you with registration services.
VIII. Updates to This Policy
8.1. In order to bring you a better product and service experience, we are continuously striving to improve our products, services, and technology. When there are changes in new services and business processes, we may update our privacy policy to inform you of the specific changes.
8.2. Without your explicit consent, we will not restrict the rights you are entitled to under this Policy.
8.3. For significant revisions, we will also provide more prominent notifications (including for some services, we will notify through public announcements on our website or provide pop-up prompts to explain the specific changes to this Policy).
8.4. The significant changes referred to in this Policy include, but are not limited to:
8.4.1. Major changes in our business model. Such as the purpose of processing personal information, the types of personal information processed, and the methods of using personal information.
8.4.2. Changes in the subject of the privacy policy due to business adjustments, mergers and acquisitions, and the new subject receiving changes to the original processing purpose and method.
8.4.3. Changes in the main entities for sharing or public disclosure of user information.
8.4.4. Major changes in the rights of users to personal information and the methods of exercising them.
8.4.5. Changes in the responsible department, contact methods, and complaint channels for the security of user information processing.
8.4.6. When the personal information protection impact assessment report indicates that the product has a significant impact on individual rights and interests.
IX. How to Contact Us
9.1. You may contact us through the following methods, and we will respond to your request within 15 days:
9.1.1. If you have any questions, opinions, or suggestions regarding the content of this Policy, you may contact us at
9.1.2. If you are not satisfied with our response, especially if you believe that our personal information processing actions have harmed your legitimate rights and interests, you may also seek a solution by filing a lawsuit with the court that has jurisdiction over the defendant's domicile.